On 10 December in Oslo, the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize will be awarded to our brother, partner, and friend, Dr. Denis Mukwege and our sister-activist Nadia Murad. Eve Ensler and Christine Schuler Deschryver (who together with Dr. Mukwege co-founded the City of Joy) will attend the ceremony.
The women at City of Joy filmed a congratulatory message! In the video, they congratulate Dr. Mukwege and Nadia, and thank Dr. Mukwege for the work he has done for them in Congo and for dedicating the award to them. Click here to see the video (best viewed on mobile phone).
In the lead up to the ceremony and throughout V-Season, we encourage activists to hold community gatherings and house parties to screen the documentary CITY OF JOY. For more information on how to host a screening, check out our film guide.
V-Rage and Rise
As 2018 approaches its end, there is so much to RAGE about, and so much to RISE for! Through it all, we remain present in reflecting on the necessary work that must be done to bring forth revolutionary change.

Today, a war rages on women and girls, and all those who hold fluid identities that are subject to gender-based violence. Our bodies, our safety and our futures are at stake. V-Rage & Rise will be a space for us to read articles and view videos that remind us that if ever there was a moment to keep going in the fight to end violence against all women and girls, it is now.
Join us in spreading the word, centralizing the experiences of those who face systemic and societal violence, and holding those in power accountable. SHARE and POST V-Rage & Rise news on social media and tag with the hashtag #VRageAndRise. Let’s create a momentum with our voice, call your government representatives, take part in grassroots actions, and support your fellow activists in continuing the necessary work to end violence against all women and girls.
#1BillionRising + #16 DaysOfActivism to End Violence Against All Women & Girls
Risings all around the world are taking place during the 16 Days of Activism. Check out the posts including images and info about South Africa Rising, DRC Rising and Philippines Rising. Read the One Billion Rising launch post >
Thinking about 2019? Plan a V-Day, A Rising or a Screening!
V-Day: Say It, Stage It – Produce a V-Day Benefit as an Artistic Uprising at your college/university, in your community
One Billion RISING: Rise In Solidarity – RISE in your community, for your community
City of Joy: Turn Pain to Power – Screen the Documentary, Support the Women in DR Congo
When women take to the streets and the stage incredible things happen, as their issues are voiced and confronted for all to see and hear.
#RiseResistUnite #1BillionRising #UntilTheViolenceStops #TurnPainIntoPower