Christine Schuler Deschryver’s TED Talk has just been released as is available for viewing.
In the talk entitled “The 5 Tenets of Turning Pain into Power,” Christine details how rape is often used as a weapon in the war over the Democratic Republic of Congo’s vast mineral resources, and how City of Joy helps survivors empower themselves, breaking the destructive cycle that sexual violence often has on individuals and communities.
“The reason for this unrelenting violence is an ongoing proxy war for the country’s vast mineral resources, which are essential to the production of your computers, phones, and electronics. In Congo, rape is a weapon of war used by militias to rip apart our communities resulting in catastrophic sexual violence, political upheaval, displacement, and disease. But the Democratic Republic of Congo is also a place of extreme beauty, lush greenery, and lakes and forests, where anything can grow if you plant it. Our people are beautiful, fierce, and generous. Our women are creative. When they dance, they change the world.” – Christine Schuler Deschryver, Co-Founder & Director of City of Joy & V-Day Congo
We want to make sure that everyone sees Christine’s TED Talk, and we need your help.
Our team has prepared a toolkit with sample copy, reel and images. These can be used across your social media platforms, for e-blasts to your networks, etc. Please share everywhere!
With love & solidarity,
All of us at V-Day & City of Joy
@TED @christinevday @cityofjoycongo @vdayorg
@TED @vday @cityofjoyfilm
@TEDTalks @VDay @cityofjoyfilm
#ChristineSchulerDeschryver #TurningPainToPower
#CityOfJoy #CityOfJoyCongo #Congo
#VDay #UntilTheViolenceStops
Option #1
Just out! #TurningPainToPower, Christine Schuler Deschryver’s TED Talk on the #CityOfJoy, a visionary program for survivors of gender violence in the #Congo – that has moved from social service to social justice.
“The reason for this unrelenting violence is an ongoing proxy war for the country’s vast mineral resources, which are essential to the production of your computers, phones, and electronics. In Congo, rape is a weapon of war used by militias to rip apart our communities resulting in catastrophic sexual violence, political upheaval, displacement, and disease. But the Democratic Republic of Congo is also a place of extreme beauty, lush greenery, and lakes and forests, where anything can grow if you plant it. Our people are beautiful, fierce, and generous. Our women are creative. When they dance, they change the world.” – #ChristineSchulerDeschryver, Co-Founder & Director of #CityOfJoyCongo
Watch the full talk at
#VDay #UntilTheViolenceStops
Option #2
“Joy is possibility, gratitude, and the bodily expression of freedom when pain has turned to power. Joy is the opposite of violence; a far more powerful force in the world. Love ignited in action.” – #ChristineSchulerDeschryver, Co-Founder & Director of #CityofJoyCongo
Watch the full talk at & visit
#VDay #CityOfJoy #UntilTheViolenceStops #TurningPainToPower #Congo
Option #3
“At #CityOfJoy women come to understand that their healing is intertwined with their sister’s healing. The collective healing of women leads to radical political awakening.” – #ChristineSchulerDeschryver, Co-Founder & Director of #CityofJoyCongo
Join the movement of #TurningPainToPower, watch the full @TED Talk at & visit
#VDay #UntilTheViolenceStops #Congo
Option #4
#CityOfJoy, in the Democratic Republic of #Congo, is a transformational leadership community for women survivors of violence and, since its opening in 2011, over two thousand women have graduated.
They have danced, sung, learned their rights, performed plays, developed agricultural skills, come to love their bodies. They have become leaders in their communities…
Join the movement of #TurningPainToPower and watch the full @TED Talk at
#ChristineSchulerDeschryver #VDay #CityOfJoyCongo #UntilTheViolenceStops
REELS/VIDEO: These are short teaser clips from the TED Talk. Share or download to post.
Video 1: Download »
Video 2: Download »
- Photo: Gilberto Tadday / TED
- Photo: Gilberto Tadday / TED
- Photo: Jasmina Tomic / TED
- Photo: Jasmina Tomic / TED
- Photo: Gilberto Tadday / TED
- Photo: Gilberto Tadday / TED
- Photo: Gilberto Tadday / TED
“In #Congo, rape is a weapon of war used by militias to rip apart our communities, resulting in and unimaginable sexual violence, political upheaval, displacement, and disease.”
“#CityOfJoy is a physical place but it is also a desire, a vision, a metaphor for #TurningPainToPower.”
“#CityOfJoy is modeling a new kind of program for survivors, one that has moved from social service to social justice.”
“Women cannot heal outside community, for as long as the community remains ill or sexist or violent women will remain oppressed and unseen.”
READ the press release here
SUPPORT the women turning pain to power at the City of Joy
WATCH the documentary CITY OF JOY on Netflix
City of Joy is a transformational leadership community for women survivors of violence, in Bukavu, a region plagued by an ongoing proxy war for the area’s vast mineral resources. Since opening in 2011, 2069 women have graduated from the CITY OF JOY, healed themselves, been nurtured, learned new skills, empowered themselves and joined into a network of love and revolution. These women have released massive trauma and horrific memories. They have danced, sung, learned their rights, performed plays, developed agricultural skills, and come to love their bodies. They have become leaders in their communities. They are no longer stigmatized for being raped.
These women are forces of energy and determination, entrepreneurs of small businesses, initiators of collectives, restaurants owners, farmers with new land, educators and advocates on sexual violence, volunteers in a self-created recruiting network for new women at the center, journalists, immigration workers, tailors, students, herbalists, and more. 42 graduates are employed at V-World Farm, a large sustainable farm run by V-Day Congo. City of Joy serves 90 survivors of gender violence, aged 18 to 30 at a time.